Net Zero
Barnsley MBC
Energising Barnsley
Energise Barnsley, Barnsley Council, and Berneslai Homes are collaborating to combat fuel poverty and reduce carbon emissions by installing solar panels on social housing. The partnership has already installed 321 solar panels, 140 smart batteries, and 40 heat pumps, with the 1,000 homes project aiming to provide solar panels to 1,000 homes in Barnsley. Funded through solar bonds, the project has seen significant community investment and direct benefits to residents, including reduced energy bills. This model of sustainable energy and community investment is both replicable and impactful, exemplifying strong community buy-in and alignment with broader economic and regenerative goals.
East Ayrshire Council
Accelerator Programme
East Ayrshire Council, in collaboration with Scottish Enterprise and Net Zero Nation, launched the Net Zero Accelerator Programme to mobilise SMEs on their journey toward Net Zero. This initiative provides businesses with expert support, including energy audits, carbon compliance certification and consultancy in key areas like procurement and marketing. To date it has achieved a reduction of 14,563 metric tonnes of CO2e, supported over £37 million in contract bids and created 100+ jobs. This pioneering programme exemplifies how councils can address the climate crisis while fostering sustainable economic growth, offering a replicable model for other local authorities.
Essex CC
Using Essex community power in transitioning to clean energy
Taking action on climate change remains a key priority for Essex County Council (ECC) with Environment a core theme in the organisation’s Everyone’s Essex strategy. ECC has been recognised by the Carbon Disclosure Project as a world leader in climate action for two consecutive years, continuing to make significant progress in achieving its targets. Switch Together Essex, a group purchasing scheme for Air Source Heat Pumps (ASHP) is the focus of this entry, being the first of its kind within the UK. Through working with iChoosr, ECC has accelerated the uptake of low carbon heating in households across the county.
Hackney LBC
Parking Services
Hackney’s innovative Parking & Markets Services works across multiple fronts to reduce the borough’s carbon footprint and progress towards net zero. The parking division addresses CO2 emissions from motor vehicles, while the markets team focuses on reducing the environmental impact of plastic use. In the past year, these efforts have led to a reduction of over 55 tonnes of CO2 from markets and 82 tonnes per kilometre from parking activities. Hackney’s Parking & Markets Services is leading the charge in driving the behavioural changes needed to combat climate change and global warming.
3Ci (Cities Commission for Climate Investment)
The Regional Net Zero Pipeline: a visionary initiative to progress local authority Net Zero projects
The South Yorkshire Regional Net Zero Project Pipeline is an innovative database of 33 existing Net Zero pipeline opportunities in the South Yorkshire region, helping to identify gaps in the regional Net Zero agenda. The result is a successful replicable model for identifying bankable Net Zero projects on a regional level, showcased by Scotland and London’s subsequent pipeline development. Our strong focus on community engagement at the heart of the project culminated in our practical guide for Local Authorities published in 2024, which the Doncaster and Sheffield City Council teams incorporated in their own Net Zero plans.
Newcastle City Council
Green Careers Programme
Newcastle City Council has delivered a comprehensive local green careers engagement programme – unique to any other. Working in collaboration with schools, businesses, and internal council services we have created a programme which broadens the definition of green careers and showcases that green jobs are accessible and inclusive to all. By informing and inspiring local people about the opportunities and benefits of working in the green sector we hope to equip our region with the skills and knowledge necessary to meet our climate opportunities and challenges, whilst securing a just transition for the people of the North East.
Newham LBC
Leading Local Government Cultural Shift for a Just Transition to Net Zero
In December 2023, Newham Council became the first UK local authority to launch a Just Transition to Net Zero Plan, marking a significant shift in local governments' journey towards net zero. The plan aims to integrate climate action into the council's cultural fabric, making net zero a priority not only environmentally but also socially and economically. The Just Transition approach focuses on ensuring an equitable shift to a net zero economy from a more holistic and unified approach.
Northumberland CC
Warmer Homes Programme
Situated in one of the largest, yet least densely populated local authority areas in England, Northumberland County Council (NCC) prides itself on catering to the distinctive needs of its residents and communities spread across a diverse geographical landscape. The Warmer Homes Programme helps residents in improving the energy efficiency of their properties by delivering grant funded retrofit projects that create comfortable and warm homes that waste less energy. This supports our corporate and policy objectives to tackle inequalities, improve health and wellbeing, enhance the environment, and take action on climate change in line with our ambitious net zero targets.
Salford City Council
Building a fairer, greener and healthier Salford for all
Salford is marking the beginning of a greener chapter for the city, showcasing exactly what is achievable in the future of green development with our partners, in building a fairer, greener and healthier Salford for all. Setting the sustainability bar nationally with delivery of exemplar office and residential schemes, with communities and quality at the core and leading by example in the decarbonisation of our own estate and fleet and commitment to Salford’s and Greater Manchester’s commitment in becoming carbon neutral by 2038.
Westmorland and Furness Council
2024: the First Year in Our Journey to Net Zero
In response to the climate crisis, Westmorland and Furness Council is aiming to ensure that the area we serve is carbon net zero by 2037.In 2024, we launched our five-year Carbon Management Strategy and Climate Action Plan, which detail the programme of work that will take us on our net zero journey. One year in, we have made significant progress following the completion of multiple innovative projects, working with partners, suppliers, local businesses and communities to rethink the way we approach carbon reduction, whilst delivering on our services for our residents.