Council of the Year

Burnley BC

A district council by designation; but a leader of place, Burnley Council is driving positive change with ambition and vision. Refusing to be held back by our past or the challenges of de-industrialisation, we are building a bold future. We are tackling health and deprivation challenges through initiatives like Burnley Together and our policy-on approach towards housing. Our public-private partnerships have delivered major regeneration, proving that ambition, collaboration, and hard work outweigh organisational boundaries. Despite funding reductions, our sound governance and adaptability allow us to keep moving forward. Once a “former Mill Town,” Burnley is now becoming a “University Town.”

Stockport MBC

Once named one of the 12th worst places to live in the UK, Stockport is now one of the best (The Times). Stockport Council’s bold decisions, strong partnerships, community leadership and mature cross-party working have made 2024 a year of showcase achievements in its £1bn town centre transformation. Its neighbourhoods are also thriving and high-quality core services are being delivered in the heart of communities, addressing the challenges of an ageing population and stark contrasts in affluence and deprivation. Stockport Council’s aspirational and award-winning workforce is united in a vision to make Stockport a borough of opportunity – for everyone.

Stockton-on-Tees BC

Ambitious and innovative with communities at the heart of everything we do – that’s Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council.The pressure on our finances and services is significant but that isn’t stopping us embrace change and do our very best for residents.Our Stockton-on-Tees Plan, developed with communities, for communities, is seeing us work closely and smartly with partners, alongside engaging with our communities, harnessing their strengths to make sure, together, we can support our residents to live healthy, happy and prosperous lives.We’re reducing inequality, removing barriers to opportunity and creating the best place to live and work in the country.

City and County of Swansea

Swansea’s story is one of superbly led transformation across its communities and local authority. Energetic, decisive, caring, innovative, the council transforming its city and local lives. Underpinned by a green vision and a bright future, Swansea Council’s work through 2024 developed a city-wide shared optimism grounded in realistic, evidence-based plans. Successes ranged from innovative community actions to dramatically transforming the skyline through direct and facilitated interventions. Challenges were met head-on. Heritage was reclaimed. Green opportunities brought new hope. Citizens and staff were enabled. Swansea’s transformation - attracting international interest - is about a brighter today and an eagerly anticipated tomorrow.

Telford & Wrekin Council

Telford & Wrekin Council is one of a handful of authorities to achieve back-to-back ‘outstanding’ ratings for children’s services and is rated among the best in the country for adult social care under the new Care Quality Commission inspection process.It’s blazing a trail for sector-led improvement, including being cited as an example of national best practice for its approach to tackling child sexual exploitation.With a focus on ‘brilliant basics’, delivering doorstep services and place-making investment projects which are transforming daily life, it’s a council that’s rightly proud of its work to protect, care and invest in the borough.