2022 Winners
Campaign of the Year
Winner : Love is not abuse – Wigan Council and partners, Wigan MBC
Highly Commended : Theo's Story, Somerset CC
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Children’s Services
Winner : A tale of transforming Wakefield from Inadequate to Good in three years, Wakefield MDC
Highly Commended : Hertfordshire County Council's Virtual School's achievements in supporting children in care into Higher Education, Hertfordshire CC
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Climate Response
Winner : Rebuilding a greener Hackney: the UK's biggest programme of low traffic neighbourhoods and School Streets, Hackney LBC
Highly Commended : Manchester City Council Climate Change Action Plan 2020-25, Manchester City Council
Highly Commended : Blackpool Council: Responding to the Climate Emergency, Blackpool Council
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Community Involvement
Crowdfund Cotswold, Cotswold DC
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Council of the Year
Winner : Manchester City Council
Highly Commended : Great Yarmouth BC
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Digital Impact
Winner : Role of data in digital transformation, Stockport MBC
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Diversity and Inclusion
Winner : Black Community Action Plan, Brent LBC
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Economic Support
Winner : Economic Support Nomination - Brent Council, Brent LBC
Highly Commended : The Future is Birkenhead, Wirral MBC
Environmental Services
Winner : Recycle More - Somerset Waste Partnership, Somerset CC, Mendip DC, Sedgemoor DC, Somerset West & Taunton Council and South Somerset DC
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Future Places
Winner : MK A Future city now, Milton Keynes Council
Highly Commended : 5G RuralDorset, Dorset Council
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Health and Social Care
Winner : DREaMS Team, East Riding of Yorkshire Council with HCV ICS
Highly Commended : Stepping Home from Hospital, East Suffolk Council
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Winner : City of York Council Housing Delivery Programme (HDP), City of York Council
Highly Commended : Building a better future in Brent, Brent LBC
Winner : Creatively transforming our Children's Social Care workforce, Wigan MBC
Highly Commended : Shropshire Pothole Trial, Shropshire Council
Highly Commended : Wellbeing Automated Call Services (WACS), Hampshire CC
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Large Team of the Year
Winner : Coventry City Council Housing & Homelessness Service, Coventry City Council
Lifetime Achievement
Winner : Barry Quirk, Chief Executive of Kensington and Chelsea Borough
Most Improved Council
Winner : Rotherham MBC
Highly Commended : Great Yarmouth BC
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Outstanding individual contribution
Winner : Ceren Clulow, Nottinghamshire CC,
Highly Commended : Joe Morley, Hull City Council
Public Health
Winner : Increasing access to healthier food and support services through food pantries, Enfield LBC
Highly Commended : BumpClub Medway - an innovative approach to promoting optimal weight in pregnancy, Medway Council
Public/Private Partnership
Winner : Cardiff Living Wage City Partnership, Cardiff Council
Highly Commended : Families First Leeds, Leeds City Council
Highly Commended : Good Food Barnsley, Barnsley MBC
Public/Public Partnership
Winner : South & East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership, South Holland DC, East Lindsey DC and Boston BC
Highly Commended : Newham Whole School Asthma Approach, Newham LBC
Rising Star
Winner : Che Kwon Sterling, Brent LBC
Small Team of the Year
Winner : Building public trust through ‘out of this world’ pandemic communications, Milton Keynes Council
Highly Commended : DCC in-house provider services: Learning Disabilities Respite Unit, Devon CC
Winner : NottAlone.org.uk - Local mental health advice and help for young people in Nottingham City and Nottinghamshire, all in one place, Nottinghamshire CC and Nottingham City Council
Highly Commended : Middlesbrough Council's Transformational Voicescape Trial, Middlesbrough Council
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