Tom Stannard, Salford City Council
Tom Stannard
Chief Executive
Salford City Council

Tom Stannard, Chief Executive Salford City Council Tom Stannard is a UK local government professional and Chief Executive of Salford City Council. He supports the directly elected City Mayor, delivering local public services and improving the lives of Salford’s fast growing and diverse 270,000 population, leading an organisation of over 3,500 staff, with a net revenue budget of £220M and a capital investment programme of £115M p/a. Tom leads our City-wide integrated health and social care system as the designated Place Lead for Salford in the Greater Manchester Integrated Care System (ICS). Tom’s professional background is in regeneration, economic development and skills. Tom is a Chartered Surveyor, a Member and Chair of the UK Institute of Economic Development (MIED), a Commissioner on the Living Wage Foundation for the UK, and policy lead and spokesperson for SOLACE (Society of Local Authority Chief Executives) currently Health and Social Care.