Sheila Oxtoby, Great Yarmouth BC
Sheila Oxtoby
Chief Executive
Great Yarmouth BC

Sheila has been a Chief Executive for over 10 years, firstly at North Norfolk District Council and for the last 7 years at Great Yarmouth Borough Council. A qualified accountant and experienced leader, Sheila’s passion is for place-based regeneration and growth, equalising the life chances of all. In her role Sheila works with elected members and a wide range of partners to maximise opportunities for Great Yarmouth residents and businesses to drive economic growth in the area, broaden the tourism offer, promote Yarmouth’s cultural heritage, and find sustainable ways to address complex challenges to meet the needs of local communities. Health and wellbeing is high up her agenda both in her public role and private life, having completed four Ironman triathlons and a keen marathon runner.