Shazia Hussain, Waltham Forest LBC
Shazia Hussain
Deputy Chief Executive
Waltham Forest LBC

Shazia is a Local Government practitioner working in Senior Leadership with experience in corporate change management, business transformation and corporate and community strategy. Shazia has been a senior portfolio holder for strategic partnerships across the Council, Police the NHS and the third sector as well as regeneration and community development, Customer and Digital Transformation, Culture, Adult Learning, Libraries and Leisure. Shazia is currently driving change and transformation with strategic responsibilities for Climate Sustainability, Community Safety, HR and organisational development, Corporate Strategy, Customer and Digital, Communications and Transformation. Previously Shazia worked as the Assistant Chief Executive for Brent Council and provided strategic direction ensuring the delivery of executive and democratic services along with strategy, policy, performance and community engagement and senior covid response. Shazia has also worked with Tower Hamlets Council, national charities such as Oxfam and the National Centre for Volunteering and is an expert in Community Participation.