Neil Jack, Blackpool BC
Neil Jack
Chief executive
Blackpool BC

During twelve years as Chief Executive, steered the organisation through a significant amount of change, including £195m worth of cuts with minimal service reduction. Also led the development of external investment in the town of more than £600m and over £60m invested in improving the quality of affordable housing. Created Blackpool’s first Business District, with new Council offices and a major supermarket, now extending to offices for 3000 civil servants, a hotel, a tramway extension and now the creation of the Multiversity, a HE and FE campus. Led the creation and implementation of the Strategic Vision for Blackpool, supported by all partners in the town, giving Blackpool a 2030 prospectus, which helped deliver a Town Deal and make Blackpool one of the first Levelling Up pilots. The Council and its seven companies, are all Real Living Wage employers and are leaders in providing opportunities to the most disadvantaged young people.