Matt Gladstone
Chief Executive
Peterborough City Council

I am currently the Chief Executive of Peterborough City Council, and have held this position since January 2022. I have worked across central and local government in a range of roles. Prior to my current role I was the Executive Director for Place leading on the regeneration and growth agenda in Barnsley MBC. I have also undertaken corporate director roles and served as Assistant Chief Executive, together with a period working in the private sector on digital infrastructure. I've played key roles in shaping performance within local government and developing strong relationships with key partners in the business and voluntary sector to facilitate change and improvement. I have a real passion for driving up standards and performance and realising better outcomes and improving the culture within the organisation. I have also worked in the National Audit Office and have a very good understanding of finance and since then handling large and complex budgets. I currently have responsibility for overseeing and driving the improvement plan at Peterborough City Council.