John Pearce, Durham County Council
John Pearce
Corporate Director, Children and Young People
Durham County Council

I have been the Corporate Director Children and Young People (DCS) for Durham County Council, since September 2019 and prior to that held DCS/DASS roles in two other Councils having worked in children’s services for 30 years. I have had the honour to serve as the President of the Association of Directors of Children’s Services (ADCS) for 2023-24 after many years involvement with the association. I am great believer in Sector Led Improvement and sharing best practice across the sector as improving outcomes for children must be a shared endeavour. I have a strong track record of improvement in Children’s services, developing and leading high quality services in different areas. I have previously worked with DfE as a ‘Partner in Practice’ supporting system wide improvement and has also supported a local authority in intervention as Independent Chair of an Improvement Board.